Archive: S3 Downloads

Sims 3 Download - loft on top of a skyscaper | Loft auf einem Hochhaus
luxury loft on top of a skyscaper | partly furnished | open kitchen/dining | 2 living rooms | tv room | 4 bed rooms | 2 and a half restroom plus visitor toilet | pool and hottub | bar and bubble bar | roofed dancing area | lot size 46 […]

Ferne – luxury loft

Trampoline | Trampolin
day 23 of our Advent Calendar 2012 | Tag 23 im Adventskalender 2012 Trampoline Minilot with trampoline, resttrooms, spawners for butterflies and beetles, needs fullfilled: social, fun, toilet; use this lot to spice up neighborhoods

Minilot Trampoline | Trampolin

Watch Tower | Aussichtsturm
day 21 of our Advent Calendar 2012 | Tag 21 im Adventskalender 2012 Download Watch Tower Minilot with picnic table, resttrooms, telescope, spawners for butterflies, beetles, seeds, mushroms, wildflowers, gems and metals, needs fullfilled: hunger, toilet; this lot offers a great view for Sims photographers, use it on great holiday […]

Minilot Watch Tower | Aussichtsturm