built with all expension and stuff packs up to Showtime | no custom content used
all eps/sps upt to Showtime | no custom content | master bedroom | two additional unfurnished rooms | water themed furnishing including huge aquarium, boxed fountains, wells in the open dining/living space | pool and party area | double garage plus carport | lot size 64×62 | located at the hills of Starlight Shores (hillside lot required, see Tutorial: hillside lot with hovering building)
Floor Plan
Large parts of this lot took part in a contest. You can find more pictures of the interior at the contest page.
Helpful links
Build your own hillside house: Tutorial: hillside lot with hovering building or Tutorial: hillside lots – building the house into the slope
Download Keanu
residential lot with a contemporary family home built with the technique of this tutorial for download:
Keanu – huge hillside house
Download Boerge
residential lot with an ultramodern home for a couple built with the technique of this tutorial for download:
Boerge – ultramodern architect hillside house
alle Erweiterungen und Accessoirepakete bis inklusive Showtime benötigt | keine Downloads verwendet | großes Schlafzimmer | zwei zusätzliche unmöblierte Räume | wasserorientierte Einrichtung inklusive großem Aquarium, raumteilenden Fontänen, in den Boden eingelassene Brunnen | Pool- und Partyareal | Doppelgarage plus Carport | Grundstücksgröße 64×62 | Lokalisiert in den Bergen von Starlight Shores (Hanggrundstück benötigt, siehe Hanggrundstücke in Sims 3-Welten)
Wenn du selber ein Wohnhaus über einen Hang bauen möchtest, kannst du im Tutorial: Hanggrundstücke – schwebendes Haus nachlesen, wie das geht.